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Networking & Breakfast
Welcoming Remarks
Speaker: Nick Adkins, Advisory Board, Cloudbreak Health
Breakout Sessions
Track One: Interoperability/Security
Combating Cybercrime in our Connected Healthcare World
Thomson Reuters reports that medical information is 10 times more valuable than credit card information on the black market. Did you know that the medical records of more than 40 million Americans were breached in 2014? 50 percent of these breaches were a result of cyberattacks. One attack alone exposed 4.5 million patient records. Given the bad actors’ focus on healthcare, it is vital to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place. This panel session will discuss security challenges facing healthcare today and into the future, as well as risk mitigation strategies and tactics to deal with these challenges.
Moderator: Dee Cantrell, RN, BSN, MS, FHIMSS, CIO, US Retina
Panelists: Barry Herrin, Principal, Herrin Healthcare Law; Ricardo Grave de Peralta, Assistant Special Agent in Charge, National Security Branch, Cyber/Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism, Atlanta FBI; Bradley Dick, CIO, Resurgens Orthopedics; Oliver Banta, VP and CIO, Columbus Regional Health
Track Two: Population Health Management
Transitions of Care – The Need for Collaboration Across the Care Continuum
The term care transition describes a continuous process in which a patient’s care shifts from being provided in one setting of care to another, such as from a hospital to a patient’s home or to a skilled nursing facility and sometimes back to the hospital. Poorly managed transitions can diminish health and increase costs. Researchers have estimated that inadequate care coordination, including inadequate management of care transitions, can be responsible for $25 to $45 billion in wasteful spending (and this is a conservative estimate) through avoidable complications and unnecessary hospital readmissions. Thus, making this a key focus of HHS, CMS and Joint Commission – just to name a few! This panel session will discuss ways in which to approach a transition of care strategy and the tactics to position it for success.
Moderator: Harvard Whipple, Practice Director – Healthcare, OmniPoint Staffing
Panelists: Phil Stiff, Director ACO and HIE, Trivergent Health Alliance; Hal Gilreith, EVP, Velocity Health Informatics
Track Three: Virtual Care/Telehealth
Telemedicine in Georgia
Telemedicine is defined as the use of telecommunication and information technology to deliver clinical solutions to the patient. It includes use of various applications and services such as smart phones, emails, two-way videos and wireless tools to deliver efficient results. Use of telemedicine helps in improving individual health with the assistance of electronic media. It also increases accessibility by reducing distance barriers between medical service providers and patients. This panel session will discussion the various telemedicine efforts across Georgia including insights into lessons learned and suggestions for best practice implementations.
Moderator: Dr. Todd Vermeer, CMIO, Gwinnett
Panelists: William J. Peterson, IV MBA, FABC, AVP, Human Resources, Phoebe Health; Dr. Robert Budman, CMIO, Piedmont Healthcare; D.D. Fritch-Levens, Telemedicine Program, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Track Four: Digital Leadership and the Changing Role of the CIO – Executive-level track session is designed exclusively for senior healthcare IT leaders who are current or eligible members of The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) and CHIME’s affiliate associations. Eligibility to attend these sessions will be verified upon registration.
HIT 3.0: Welcome to the Revolution – The CIO as the New Digital Leader
Healthcare information technology professionals have often led the way as organizations seek to implement new ways to improve care, better meet the needs of patients and Healthcare professionals and lower costs. Increasing investment has seen the rise of electronic health records, clinical informatics and analytics and more meaningful connections to patients. And with each technological advance many more doors open to new opportunities and more challenges are encountered as healthcare organizations work to adopt new practices and achieve significant improvements. How are the best HIT executives leading the way with their organizations, their executive peers and technology partners to create the climate for increasing innovation and transformational change? Russ Branzell will share his views on the revolution in HIT, the need for new vision and strategy, and the implications for HIT leadership.
Speaker: Russ Branzell, FCHIME, CHCIO, President & Chief Executive Officer, College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME)
Networking & Break
Track One: Interoperability/Security
Health information Exchange in Georgia
Significant progress in the constantly changing healthcare environment continues to create a growing demand for interoperability that not only supports the care continuum, but supports health in general. Electronic health information needs to be available for appropriate use in solving major challenges such as providing more effective care, informing and accelerating scientific research, and of course meeting the never ending regulatory requirements! This panel session will share efforts across Georgia in Health Information Exchange. An update on progress that the state designated HIE, Georgia Health Information Network (GaHIN) has made will be shared along with other important HIE work across the state.
Moderator: Cynthia Windsor, GA HIMSS Board Emeritus
Panelists: Tara Cramer, Executive Director, Georgia Regional Academic Community Health Information Exchange (GRAChIE); Liz Hansen, CMUP, CHSP, CHSA, PCMH CCE, Senior Advisor, GA-HITEC; Denise Hines, DHA, PMP, FHIMSS; Board Chair, North America HIMSS, CEO, eHealth Services Group, Executive Director, Georgia Health Information Network (GaHIN).
Track Two: Population Health Management
Chronic Care Management – Coordinate, Collaborate and Communicate
Half of all adult Americans have a chronic illness – 117 million people. One in four Americans have two or more chronic illnesses. In 2014, seven of the opt 10 causes of death were from chronic diseases. 99% of Medicare spending in on patients with chronic conditions. Hence, the priority focus on putting in place chronic disease management programs. This panel session will discuss program implementations, lessons learned and advice for the future.
Moderator: Angela Shepherd, Nursing Executive, Jvion
Panelists: Leslie Mashburn, Director of Population Health, Grady Health System ; Robin Frady, Executive Director, Business and Clinical Intelligence Information Services, Grady
Track Three: Virtual Care/Telehealth
eHealth –Virtual Care Models
Clinician capacity, on-demand access, and coverage challenges (extended hours and geographic reach) are driving the need to innovate with virtual care such as e-ICU and eVisits. E-health is a process of delivering healthcare and health resources by electronic means. It helps healthcare providers and patients to interact with each other with using electronic media. It is one of the fastest growing sectors in the overall healthcare market. Providing virtual visits and consults and deploying remote home and mobile monitoring, tele-home health and other virtual health offerings can benefit both patients and providers. This session will highlight some of these virtual care models and discuss their clinical effectiveness and workflow implications.
Moderator: Justin T. Barnes, FHIMSS, Co-founder, Health Innovation Think Tank
Panelists: Arash Harzand, MD, MBA, Cardiology / Technology / Prevention, Emory University; Sylvan M. Waller, MD, FACEP, Physician executive / Entrepreneur / Investor / Speaker / Author
Track Four: Digital Leadership and the Changing Role of the CIO – Executive-level track session is designed exclusively for senior healthcare IT leaders who are current or eligible members of The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) and CHIME’s affiliate associations. Eligibility to attend these sessions will be verified upon registration.
The Changing Role of the CIO and HIT Leaders
In the light of accelerating change in both the technology and the practice of healthcare, what does the role of the HIT leader look like? The future trends regarding digital patient experience, increasing cloud capabilities, new telemedicine and medical devices, predictive modeling, patient empowerment and a host of other process and technological changes demand fresh leadership approaches to achieving a new future state vision while continuing to keep the focus on patients. The session will explore the difference between change management and change leadership and how HIT leaders can adapt their focus and skills as they continue to successfully lead the process of transforming healthcare.
Speaker: Timothy Stettheimer, PhD, FCHIME, CHCIO, Vice President and Regional CIO, Ascension Health Information Services
Keynote: Formulate your practice / health system plans for implementing virtual care, as you discover the critical trends and challenges in telehealth today
Speaker: Dr. Stephen Beck, MD, FACP, FHIMSS, Senior Medical Executive, Health IT Visionary, Board Certified Internist, Bluetree Network
Breakout Sessions
Track One: Interoperability/Security
Internet of Things (IoT), – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly of Being Connected
Sensors, mobile devices and related technologies are presenting new opportunities and risks for healthcare. Collectively known as the Internet of Things (IoT), IoT is digitizing and streamlining the sharing of health data which has the potential for dramatic gains in efficiency and health outcomes. However, it is a challenging dichotomy, as healthcare IT executives and professionals continue to look for ways to manage the risks of IoT while capturing the benefits. This panel session will discuss trends and opportunities while sharing ways to mitigate the challenges and risks.
Moderator: Alan Hansen, Senior Solution Architect, DXC Technologies
Panelists: Christopher Kunney, CPHIMS, CPHIT, MSMOT, Managing Partner & HIT Strategist, Chairman, HIMSS Chapter Leaders Taskforce; Kevin Whelan, Director, Product Management, Medecision; Mark Braunstein, Ga Tech Professor of the Practice, School of Interactive Computing; Geoff Brown, CIO, Piedmont Healthcare
Track Two: Population Health Management
Population Health Analytics
Population Health initiatives are becoming increasingly important – Accountable Care Organizations, Bundled Payments, Pay-For Performance, Value Based purchasing and MACRA – are just a few of the many initiatives providers and health systems are now participating in within the population health domain. A best-in-class Population Health program brings clinical, financial and operational data together from across the enterprise and provides actionable analytics for providers to improve efficiency and patient care. This panel session will provide insights into challenges and opportunities for consideration for anyone struggling with or seeking to implement Population Health Management analytics program.
Moderator: Todd Schlesinger, VP, Jvion
Panelists: Chirag Patel, MD, Multidisciplinary Physician Leader, WellStar Health System; Dr. Jackson Slappy, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of General and GI Surgery, Department of Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine / Associate Chief of Surgery, Chief of General Surgery, Atlanta VA Medical Center; Dee Cantrell, RN, BSN, MS, FHIMSS, CIO, US Retina
Track Three: Virtual Care/Telehealth
Future of eHealth/Digital Healthcare/TeleHealth – Connecting, Collaborating and Coordinating Care
The integration of telehealth or telemedicine initiatives in mainstream care delivery to provide complementary or substitute care received a big boost from innovations in communication technology that has created more convenient, fast and affordable virtual interaction. Health care reform – participation in ACOs and the rapid expansion of insured patient population under ACA – is, however making virtual health an important asset for hospitals to have as they define their strategy to transition to risk-based payment models. Virtual health offers the potential to lower costs, reduce utilization, generate revenue and increase operational efficiency on the business side, while supporting care coordination and delivering better outcomes on the clinical side. This panel session will discuss current and emerging digital health trends to assist with strategic and tactical planning efforts.
Moderator: Starla Longfellow, Assistant Director, Radiology & Imaging Sciences, Emory Healthcare
Panelists: Alan Wills, Executive Director, HealtheConnection; Nabile Safdar, MD, MPH, Vice Chair, Imaging Informatics, Emory Healthcare; Elizabeth Krupinski, PhD, Vice Chair for Research, Imaging Sciences, Emory HealthCare
Track Four: Digital Leadership and the Changing Role of the CIO – Executive-level track session is designed exclusively for senior healthcare IT leaders who are current or eligible members of The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) and CHIME’s affiliate associations. Eligibility to attend these sessions will be verified upon registration.
Approach to Change Leadership
In the fast-paced, non-stop change environment of HIT, it’s important that leaders know how to create initiatives for success and avoid the pitfalls that contribute to the high failure rate of transformational programs. One of the most used and effective processes is John Kotter’s 8 Step framework. Healthcare CIOs and HIT leaders have used the 8 Step principles to both establish new projects and to solve problems along the way. The 8 Steps can be used to keep projects moving forward and to adjust plans as needed to achieve goals and keep key stakeholders engaged throughout. CIO leaders will discuss the principles and how to apply them to achieve an effective change framework for significant healthcare transformation.
Speaker: Charles Christian, FCHIME, FHIMSS, LCHIME, CHCIO, Vice President of Technology and Engagement, Indiana Health Information Exchange
Breakout Sessions
Track One: Interoperability/Security
FHIR – a New Hope for Connectedness?
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, or FHIR, appears to offer new hope in data exchange. FHIR is a framework standard that defines a common way to solve healthcare problems and provides a set of resources that can be used in many ways. FHIR resources enable healthcare stakeholders to securely share, manage and measure data across a multitude of devices and digital touchpoints. Healthcare organizations that use FHIR will be able to communicate current data across disparate systems, fostering enhanced care collaboration. This panel session will discuss the various use cases where FHIR can make a difference.
Moderator: Dee Cantrell, RN, BSN, MS, FHIMSS, CIO, US Retina
Panelists: Mark Braunstein, Ga Tech Professor of the Practice, School of Interactive Computing; J. Steve Rushing, Senior Strategic Advisor for HIT and Interoperability, Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute
Track Two: Population Health Management
Predictive/Precision Medicine
Predictive Medicine is the ability to integrate and analyze known disease characteristics with a specific patient’s history and health status, and use the resulting insights to change outcomes and inform new directions for life sciences research and development. The variety, velocity, and volume of health care data are allowing predictive analytics solutions to emerge quickly. And while the most visible immediate benefit is cost reduction, the real motivation is a patient-centric business model — one that recognizes that health and care management needs to occur wherever the patient is, not just in hospitals or physician offices. The goal (and it’s within our grasp) is threefold: improve clinical outcomes, enhance patient satisfaction, and drive more value to the entire health care system. For the volume-to-value paradigm shift in health care, predictive analytics is the essential enabler to true Predictive Medicine. This panel session will discuss the Predictive Medicine Model – current state, potential future state, advice and guidance on analytics implementation.
Moderator: Bill Sims, VP Business Development Jvion
Panelists: John Milner, MSN, RN, CPHIMS, Assistant Professor, Georgia State University; Health IT; Dr. Jackson Slappy, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of General and GI Surgery, Department of Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine / Associate Chief of Surgery, Chief of General Surgery, Atlanta VA Medical Center; Alexandra C Ehrlich, Principal Solution Consultant, Oracle
Track Three: Virtual Care/Telehealth
Consumer Driven Digital Healthcare – Engaging the Patient
Services that offer convenience as well as cost and time savings, drive patient engagement and satisfaction, which will strengthen provider-patient relationships and establish loyalty. Having a secure infrastructure and tools in place that promote the active engagement of patients in their care is a critical component to the delivery of value based care and value based reimbursement. This panel session will discuss tools, trends and workflow implications around consumer driven health care.
Moderator: Liz Hansen, CMUP, CHSP, CHSA, PCMH CCE, Senior Advisor, GA-HITEC
Panelists: Jodi Tarpinian, IS Manager Population Health, Emory Healthcare; Sue Gordon, Manager IS Applications – Government Programs, Piedmont Health Care; Elizabeth Howard, Practice Manager, Morrow Family Medicine, LLC; Amin Holmes, President, Co-Founder, SynsorMed Inc.
Track Four: Digital Leadership and the Changing Role of the CIO – Executive-level track session is designed exclusively for senior healthcare IT leaders who are current or eligible members of The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) and CHIME’s affiliate associations. Eligibility to attend these sessions will be verified upon registration.
Large Scale Healthcare Transformation: Change Leadership (Panel)
This session will continue the Change Leadership discussion, focusing on the people side of change. Panelists will discuss their experiences leading transformation initiatives, factors contributing to success and ways to overcome challenges. The session will include a wide-ranging group discussion on the key transformational initiatives that HIT leaders are addressing. This will include new areas of focus to continue developing their role as members of the executive team in charting the next phase of the healthcare transformation journey.
Moderator: Russ Branzell, FCHIME, CHCIO, President & Chief Executive Officer, College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME)
Panelists: Charles Christian, FCHIME, FHIMSS, LCHIME, CHCIO, Vice President of Technology and Engagement, Indiana Health Information Exchange, Timothy Stettheimer, PhD, FCHIME, CHCIO, Vice President and Regional CIO, Ascension Health Information Services; Patty Lavely, Vice President and CIO, Gwinnett Health System
Hear Georgia CIO’s describe practical applications, challenges and success in pursuing Collaborative, Coordinated, Connected Care. This interactive panel discussion promises to provide unique insights and lessons learned from the perspective of Georgia’s healthcare IT leaders.
Moderator: Jeff Buda, Vice President/Chief Information Officer, Floyd Medical Center
Panelists: Dee Cantrell, RN, BSN, MS, FHIMSS, CIO, US Retina; Oliver Banta, VP and CIO, Columbus Regional Health; Patty Lavely, Vice President and CIO, Gwinnett Health System; Geoff Brown, CIO, Piedmont Healthcare
Wrap Up
Networking Reception and Giveaways (You Must Be Present to Win)